Most used inbuild string function in MySQL

Oct 19, 2020


  1. ASCII — This function returns the ASCII value of given character

SELECT ASCII(‘A’) — This gives the result of “65”


  1. CHAR_LENGTH() or CHARACTER_LENGTH() — Both function can be used and both returns the length of the string, “it counts space also as a value”.

SELECT CHARACTER_LENGTH(“Hello”); — Returns the value of “5”

2. CONCAT() — Used to merge multiple values into one string. Integer value also will get merged.

SELECT CONCAT(“Hello”, “ ”, “World”); — Returns “Hello World”

3. FORMAT(value, decimal limit) — Used to limit the decimal value from the given number. For ex:- The value is “56.2354”, Use decimal limit to 2 and you get an output of “56.23”.

SELECT FORMAT(56.2354,2); Returns “56.23”

4. LCASE() or LOWER() — Both functions takes the string parameter and converts it into lower case.

SELECT LOWER(“HELLO”); — Both returns “hello”

5. LENGTH() — Counts the number of character in the string

SELECT LENGTH(“MySql”); — Returns “5”

6. REPLACE(string, from-string, new-string) — Case sensitive replacement

SELECT REPLACE(“Hello World”, “Hello”, “New”); — Returns “New World”

7. UCASE() or UPPER() — Both functions takes the string parameter and converts it into upper case.

SELECT UCASE(“hello”);
SELECT UPPER(“hello”); — Both returns “HELLO”




Technology enthusiast with a passion for VR/AR, ML, and IoT. I am excited to explore and push the boundaries of what is possible with these tools/techniques.